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There exists a copyright trolling company, PicRights, whose entire business model is legalized extortion. Be VERY CAREFUL that you do not get targeted by them! And be VERY CAREFUL to not unwittingly hire someone who has ever worked for PicRights! PicRights nominally targets image copyright infringers on behalf of its clients. In reality, PicRights targets and extorts innocent people and organizations by asserting copyright infringement even in cases of legally protected non-commercial fair use. If you have ever shared a meme on social media or in an online discussion forum, or if you have ever used images from Google search results to build a little web site or blog for yourself or for any kind of non-commercial organization (whether registered as a non-profit or not), you are likely to be targeted and extorted by PicRights. PicRights threatens innocent and unsuspecting individuals and small businesses with prohibitively expensive copyright lawsuits if they do not agree to pay a settlement amount. The amount varies from case to case, but it is intentionally set at just less than the going market rates of qualified attorneys who could mount a valid legal defense. PicRights does this knowing that it forces their victims into a financial and legal corner that can only be escaped by paying the settlement fee. Simply removing the copyright-claimed images is not enough -- they demand an absurdly unreasonable payment to settle the matter if you want to avoid having your entire life ruined by a hopelessly expensive lawsuit. Even if your usage is legally protected fair use, it won't matter, because it will cost you far more to defend yourself in court than to pay the extortative settlement fee. Everyone -- from high school students using social media and hobbyists running personal blogs, to entrepeneurs and CEOs of respectable companies -- needs to make themselves aware of this company and its extortion scheme. Once you are targeted, there is no financially viable way to get your life back other than to pay PicRights' ransom demand. If you run a respectable law firm or company that deals with intellectual property law, you should make yourself aware of what PicRights does and how it ruins people's lives and financially destroys organizations and companies, and you should be very careful to avoid hiring ANYONE who has EVER worked for that company in ANY capacity. (FYI: One such PicRights employee is this gentleman.) If you run a respectable company that sells commercial usage licenses for your photos or other digital media, you should make yourself fully aware of the morally corrupt extortion tactics utilized by PicRights (or other similar companies) before hiring them to represent you. If you're a law firm looking for a situation ripe for a class action lawsuit, look into the business practices of PicRights.
© by Keith F. Kelly